On December 5th 2011 , NASA announced that it has discovered two earth like planets through its Kepler telescope. Through this article I discuss the very basic and first hand question of this discovery.
Two earth like planets named Kepler-20e and Kepler-20f in a different solar system. Thus they are exoplanets, meaning planet in a different solar system.
They were discovered by kepler telescope. The assertion that they are ‘earth like’ was made by comparing the mass of these two planets with that of the earth. Mass like that earth or lower then earth imply that the gravitation is also similar to the earth and hence the atmosphere is bound to the surface of the exoplanet whereas mass greater than earth imply that the gravitation pull is not similar to the earth and thus the presence of atmosphere is probably nil.
The finding is important since mankind needs an alternative place for living in future, an answer to the rapidly growing population and fast depletion of resources. To ascertain more about the two new planets the scientist are now busy finding its density. Density equivalent to or similar to that of earth would give evidence of the presence of water in the named exoplanets. Visiting the planet is something we cannot think of right now, it is unimaginably far.
The Kepler science team says that the best of Kepler telescope is yet to be delivered and researched and something more interesting and fruitful is in store for the future.
You can watch interesting videos and read more at CSMONITOR and NASA's official site
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