To The Blog Author,
Regarding the new design and banner, you can try writing your name using some stylish fonts, I guess that will be better. You can also develop over the background color to mke it more attractive, texturing will be a good option.
- Saptadwipa Purkayastha
To The Blog Author,
The blog is quite decent. Starting with the topics you chose, I think they are really unique and your perspective is great. Most of your post make many facts clear, like on 3G, GPRS etc, every one has heard these terms but I bet only a few knew such details and the way you explain with illustrations, a real good Job. I loved your post on hacking and social security and also the one Sonia Gandhi's treatment aboard.
Suggestions: I think you should write about other things also once a while, keep tech related things as your forte but other topics like your thoughts, experience etc, you can very well share sometimes, it will be a change for you and your readers.
-Niyor Hazarika
To The Blog Author,
Good choice of topics in your blog, good job. Keep posting.
-Partha Pratim Mishra
Reviews, good or bad can be sent at my e-mail i.e.
*The above reviews were written on blog Author's request to review the blog