Saturday, June 16, 2012

When it comes to Love, why is it always, ‘I Love You’??

Image: Google Images

The headline looks confusing but let me tell you that this blog post is a result of my googling about ‘I Love You’. Why is it that a lover always wants to say or listen to these 3 words to judge or to finalize a committing relationship? Do these three words have altogether different understanding in a boy and a gal? (or shall I say Man and Woman?)
Love, well let’s not debate about it or know what it actually is but to keep things simple I can say that since your Mom and Dad loves you hence love is the attachment of emotions present in a relationship within own blood. Now let’s keep our family aside, when you term a closing bond between your friends circle as Love, things get complicated there.
Psychologist put forward through their research that it is highly likely that a girl would firstly attempt to propose a boy when it comes to committing but practically it is the boy who does it. Why?? Well, not a single answer can be justified well but psychologist believes that guys are more willing to take a relationship to the next level (please understand what I mean) and this is what a girl is scared of at first and is likely to put down a proposal if she is not fully sure about committing herself. So practically it is the girl who can sense and judge a relationship well, it is she who can judge if it is right for her and the boy to be committed to each other. For a girl it is more alluring and relieving to hear a boy say ‘I Love You’ after the relationship has moved to the next level (Understand) as many boys (you may not agree) tend to break a relationship after the next level thing!
So, a relationship can go seriously wrong if the girl fails to judge a point because boys (mostly) don’t put much of their thinking into it. This is of course not always true, we do see some dumb girls who change their boyfriend often and same type of boys exists as well, but here we are not considering the relationship of fun.
Thus, this blog post gives one of the millions of reasons why it is always, ‘I Love You’. You may not agree and I don’t have any evidence to prove that I’m right.
Thank God, I could keep the post short; I don’t want to debate love just wanted to put a point.

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